This is the third tutorial in a series that show you how to use iMagic Tour Reservation. This tutorial steps you through the process of viewing reservations. Reservations can be viewed using the calendar. There are two calendars available, mostly the Simple Calendar would be used. The Advanced Calendar is useful for checking usage patterns and finding 'gaps'. To view the Simple Calendar: 1. Click the Bookings and then Simple Calendar from the main menu. To view tours on a given date: 1. Click on the date to view from the calendar. The Reservation List will then updated. To view a tour's manifest (people booked) or to change it: 1. Select the reservation from the Reservation List. 2. Click the View Manifest... button. To view the Advanced Calendar: 1. Click the Bookings and then Advanced Calendar from the main menu. 2. Click the up and down buttons to view the tours. 3. Double clicking on a tour will show the manifest. Related Topics Tutorial 1 Getting Started - Setting up Tutorial 2 Adding Reservations Tutorial 4 Viewing Customers and Details Tutorial 5 Reports Exporting Customers and Reservations to Excel Creating an Email Mailing List Tips and Tricks - Quickly Finding Customers